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The premier 7-on-7 tournament



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There are many Team Winners from the Shootout. Your team could be next!

Presented By Bowen-Hefley Orthopedics and Arkansas Surgical Hospital

The Shootout of The South 7 on 7 football tournament was started by Pulaski Academy Football Coaches in 2005.   Greg Hatcher, founder of the Mighty Bluebirds, philanthropist, and owner of The Hatcher Agency also assisted these coaches in creating the tournament.

The goal was to put on the Premier  7 on 7 football tournament in the nation with the focus on making it a great event for the players, coaches and fans.

The Shootout of the South has accomplished just that. The event is held on the beautiful grounds of Mighty Bluebird Field whose borders are surrounded by waters that connect to the Arkansas River.
Teams are invited to attend each year with top teams attending from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Missouri, and Texas...

About the Shootout
Start Times and Admission

FRIDAY: 9 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Pool play


SATURDAY: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 

Tournament and Awards Ceremony


$5 per guest per day

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