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Coaches/Officials Hospitality Room


The Shootout of the South 7 on 7 Tournament really takes care of its coaches and officials. Our team moms provide an endless, all you can eat buffet for breakfast, lunch, and dinner throughout the tournament. These moms really go all out for you!

Friday Night Dinner / Saturday Pizza

Our awesome sponsors are providing a BBQ dinner and pizza lunch for all players and coaches. Come and get it!

Awards Ceremony


Team Champions will be crowned from the Runner-Up and Championship brackets at the conclusion of the tournament at approximately 6 p.m. on Saturday.


Outstanding Quarterback, Receiver, and Defensive Back will also be presented.

Special Events and Times

June 18th - 19th, 2021


Friday 9 am - Pool Play Starts


Saturday 9 am - Tournament starts


Saturday 6:00 pm - Tournament Ends

Awards Ceremony


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